KSQL Noise Abatement Procedures

Safety Always Supersedes Noise Abatement Procedures

San Carlos Airport is surrounded by noise sensitive areas.  By using your aircraft’s quietest departure techniques and following the guidelines and procedures below, we can reduce the noise impact on our neighbors  The San Carlos Airport Association has adopted a Good-Neighbor-Policy and requests that resident and visitor aircraft comply with the voluntary noise abatement procedures.
KSQL VFR to IFR Departure Procedure

Runway 30 IFR Departure Guidance

San Francisco Airport arrivals and abutting Class Bravo airspace, high-density Bay-Area traffic, and numerous obstacles typically require Runway 30 departures to depart in visual conditions, make prompt turns, avoid obstacles, conform to low-altitude airspace restrictions, and finally transition into the IFR system.

Such procedures are somewhat complex yet are issued exclusively orally—without aide of a published official departure procedure. This may create confusion, error, multiple controller-pilot rereads/ confirmations and increased workload—ultimately compromising safety and causing delay.

Click below for more details.

Videos of flying into San Carlos

Watch a flight into San Carlos Airport.
Takeoff and Landing at San Carlos Airport.
Concord to San Carlos via Oakland Transition

Additional Pilot Resources

AOPA article about flying into San Carlos

Read the AOPA article about flying into San Carlos

Voluntary Restrictions on Flight Training

See Voluntary Restrictions on Flight Training Procedures

Vehicle Operation Rules & Policies

Download the vehicle operation rules and policies

San Carlos Airport Tenants

Everything about the San Carlos Airport Tenant Documents

Airport Maintenance Request

This is the form to fill out your County maintenance requests

San Carlos Vehicle Parking Policy

Download the San Carlos & Half Moon Bay Airports