Growing the Pilot Population Through the AOPA Flight Training Scholarship Program

Take advantage of AOPA’s scholarship program—over $1 million in awards—or pass along this information to someone you know is passionate about learning to fly or wants to earn an advanced rating.

Multiple scholarship opportunities are available to AOPA members, including:

AOPA High School Flight Training Scholarships: 80 exceptional aviation-minded high school students will each be awarded $10,000 to pursue a private, sport, or recreational pilot certificate.

AOPA Teacher Flight Training Scholarships: Up to 20 teachers dedicated to advancing aviation education in the classroom by teaching the AOPA High School Aviation STEM Curriculum are eligible to apply for this scholarship, which can be used to earn a private, sport, or recreational certificate.

AOPA Primary Training Scholarships: Multiple scholarships, ranging from $2,500 to $7,500, will be awarded to members ages 16 and up to help fund the cost of training for a private pilot, sport pilot, or recreational pilot certificate.

AOPA Advanced Rating Scholarships: Multiple scholarships, ranging from $3,000 to $10,000, will be awarded to outstanding member pilots with career aspirations seeking an Instrument, Commercial, CFI, CFII, or MEI rating.

The deadline to submit all scholarship application materials, including recommendation letters and transcripts, is February 14, 2021, 11:59 p.m. (EST).